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2003-12-16 - 11:46 p.m.

This is the first time I have been online at home in a week. Short of it is thusly: I bounced a check to Mini Evil Empire II, aka Southwestern Bell, i.e. Southwestern Hell, okay ya get the idea. Anyhoo, (as they say in Canada, and it feels just that cold to a Texan like me, who considers any temperature under 40 to be stay at home and stand by the heater day), they wanted $370 bucks to get my phone line back in service. Now, if you have any dealings with nefarious phone company corporations, well then, you know what I mean when I say I had mega battles with them over AOL charges and added services I did not request (not to mention I asked for a separate cell phone bill, not a combined with the phone bill one) and had yet, over two months to get those credited. SO the conversation went thusly:

Me: Why is my phone bill so high? (or more correctly, Mom's phone bill).

SBC: ( I will save you the verbatim part, but it dealt with the charge)

Me; But I discontined AOL six months ago, and you are still charging me for two months. Plus, when I got my cell phone, I asked for separate billing.

SBC: Well ma'am, you purchased your phone through SBC

ME: well, no one at SBC told me I had to contact Cingular to get separate billing, I just assumed, from what I was told, that YOU all handled that.

(My cell phone is now cut off too btw).

SBC: (basically repeating the company line).

ME: I did not also authorize all these extra features, I just wanted Caller ID..

(More back and forth blathering)

ME: Ok, why don't you just credit me for all the charges I was not supposed to get charged for and I will pay the balance of the bill.

SBC: We can't do that until you pay the bill in full.

ME: Well, hell, these charges are there because some idiot at your office did not do what they were supposed to. I have a small child and an elderly mom and being out of communication IS NOT AN OPTION!

SBC: There is nothing I can do ma'am. I understand..

ME: No, you don't understand. Thanks for nothing.

So, I hang up the phone and got a line in my own name, will pay Mom's off when as I can and SBC can fuck me.

Maybe because my hands are cold, my next two days are going to be busy and I have half a million things to do (take Mom to airport, company Christmas party, buy gifts for child's day care party and school party etc) I feel like getting punch drunk and drool over Dominic and Reed again, but ah, what can you do? At the moment, I am listening to my mp3, some Fugazi, some Social Distortion, just got done listening to Cherry Bomb by the Runaways. (Who was the girl or group that did a lousy cover version of that song a couple of years back? It sucked! So does No Doubt's cover of "It's my Life," so much better done by the original artist Talk Talk. Gwen Stefani sucks too!) Of course, the dj from the local "hit music" station (read: insipid pop for even more insipid people. The exception is my kid, but she is only 6, she gets points for being young and foolish) thought ND's version was better than Talk Talk. Hell, said dj was probably a elementary aged kid when the original came out, plus he is as ass anyway...

Ok, this curmudgeon is getting her ass in bed..

Oh, wait, one more thing: Not sure how many Wire heads (aka fans of The Wire for the uninitiated), but next Friday, the 26th, Season 2 re-runs are starting. I would much like a copy of the episodes so I may add them to my Season 1 collection. That way, I can see Dominic West's naked ass to remind me why I shouldn't just neuter every man in the world. Oh, that and plus it's a good show, and I need inspiration for my fan fic. Please spread the message and thank you :)

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